Card #1
Emotional Beratement
- Player who Draws this Card vs Both Teams
- Opposing Teams have the Opportunity to say Anything they want to insult the Player who Draws this Card. The Player who Draws this Card must Stand up and resist Crying, Smiling, or otherwise Reacting for 2x Minutes. Success = this Card. Failure for either side = Drinking.
Emotional Beratement
- Player who Draws this Card vs Both Teams
- Opposing Teams have the Opportunity to say Anything they want to insult the Player who Draws this Card. The Player who Draws this Card must Stand up and resist Crying, Smiling, or otherwise Reacting for 1 1/2x Minutes. Success = this Card. Failure for either side = Drinking.
Emotional Beratement
- Player who Draws this Card vs Both Teams
- Opposing Teams have the Opportunity to say Anything they want to insult the Player who Draws this Card. The Player who Draws this Card must Stand up and resist Crying, Smiling, or otherwise Reacting for 1x Minute. Success = this Card. Failure for either side = Drinking.
Card #4
Emotional Battery
- Player who Draws this Card vs all Opponents
- You must tell Everyone the last time you Cried and Why. Afterwards, each Opposing Team Member has 1x Turn and 30x Seconds each to Berate you without you reacting throughout the entire ordeal. Success = this Card. Failure and you Teammate takes a Shot.
- You must tell Everyone the last time you Cried and Why. Afterwards, each Opposing Team Member has 1x Turn and 30x Seconds each to Berate you without you reacting throughout the entire ordeal. Success = this Card. Failure and you Teammate takes a Shot.
Card #5
Emotional Battery
- Player who Draws this Card only
- Cry on Cue. The Person who Draws this Card has 1x Minute to Produce one real Tear by any means Necessary. Success = This Card. Failure and both he and his Teammate Drink.
- Cry on Cue. The Person who Draws this Card has 1x Minute to Produce one real Tear by any means Necessary. Success = This Card. Failure and both he and his Teammate Drink.
Card #6
Card #7
Card #8
- All Play
- Player who Draws this Card must get up and do a 2x Minute Comedy Set based on Self Deprecation in the Style of Dee Reynolds. Jokes must be Truly Painful and Reflect the Actual Insecurities about Yourself. Anyone who Laughs, or pretty much reacts in any way during this Routine has to take a Shot. If the Comic does not have any 5x Second Pauses or more and Completes an Adequate Routine they get the Card for their team. Failure and the Comic Drinks.
Card #9
- All Play
- Don't Drop the Soap. Stand in a Circle and Toss around a Wet Bar of Soap. Drop it and you must Bend Down and Pick it up. You are now Considered Prison Raped. Raped People Cannot Sit for the Next 15x Minutes. You also have to Drink + you're out of the Game. Last one left gets the Card.
Card #10
- Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate
- At the end of this Card Start a 30x Second Clock. The Player who Drew this Card must then Stand up and Name 3x Benefits of the Holocaust. If Successful, the 30x Second Clock Starts back up and his Teammate must now Replicate the Task. If both are Successful you both get this Card and will Likely Burn in Hell. Failure here is Acceptable, no Drinking Penalty.
Card #11
Card #6
Emotional Battery
- The Player who Draws this Card vs all 4x Opponents
- The Player who Draws this Card must Withstand 15x Seconds of Wet Willies from each of his 4x Opponents. You must not show any Real Reaction in order to gain this Card. Failure and both you and your Teammate Drink.
Card #7
Emotional Battery
- Player who Draws this Card vs both Teams
- Two Lies and one Truth ..... about your Teammate. Has to be the Worst Stuff you two can think of. The 2x Opponents will then Flip a Coin to decide who gets to Guess which is the Truth. If they are Correct, they get the Card. Write down the Truth before they guess to make sure of no Cheating. Players Team that Draws the Card cannot gain the Card here. Any Team that does not get a Card here Drinks.
Card #8
Emotional Battery
- Player who Draws this Card must get up and do a 2x Minute Comedy Set based on Self Deprecation in the Style of Dee Reynolds. Jokes must be Truly Painful and Reflect the Actual Insecurities about Yourself. Anyone who Laughs, or pretty much reacts in any way during this Routine has to take a Shot. If the Comic does not have any 5x Second Pauses or more and Completes an Adequate Routine they get the Card for their team. Failure and the Comic Drinks.
Card #9
Emotional / Physical Battery
- Don't Drop the Soap. Stand in a Circle and Toss around a Wet Bar of Soap. Drop it and you must Bend Down and Pick it up. You are now Considered Prison Raped. Raped People Cannot Sit for the Next 15x Minutes. You also have to Drink + you're out of the Game. Last one left gets the Card.
Card #10
Burn in Hell
- At the end of this Card Start a 30x Second Clock. The Player who Drew this Card must then Stand up and Name 3x Benefits of the Holocaust. If Successful, the 30x Second Clock Starts back up and his Teammate must now Replicate the Task. If both are Successful you both get this Card and will Likely Burn in Hell. Failure here is Acceptable, no Drinking Penalty.
Card #11
Burn in Hell
- Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate
- At the end of this Card Start a 30x Second Clock. The Player who Drew this Card must then Stand up and Name 3x Benefits of Isis. If Successful, the 30x Second Clock Starts back up and his Teammate must now Replicate the Task. If both are Successful you both get this Card and will Likely Burn in Hell. Failure here is Acceptable, no Drinking Penalty.
Card #12
Burn in Hell
- Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate
- At the end of this Card Start a 30x Second Clock. The Player who Drew this Card must then Stand up and Name 3x Benefits of 9/11. If Successful, the 30x Second Clock Starts back up and his Teammate must now Replicate the Task. If both are Successful you both get this Card and will Likely Burn in Hell. Failure here is Acceptable, no Drinking Penalty.
Card #13
- You are to Give a Rousing Speech to your Opponents + your Teammate. Do this in the Tone of Adolf Hitler. You must Hit upon the Points of the Master Race, Why you Should Hate Jews and the Reasons why Germany is the Best. Start Slow, Finish Strong, and do the Salute. Success = this Card + a Likely trip to Hell. You do not have to Drink if you Choose to have a Soul and Pass on this one. The Speech has to be at the very least Adequate, if you're doing it, don't Half Ass it.
Card #14
- Dumpster Baby. You must give an Impassioned 2x Minute Speech about the Positive Nature of Dumpster Babies. You must not Break Character, Laugh, Smile, etc. Bring up Examples, Statistics and why Dumpster Babies make America Great. Success = this Card and Likely Burn in Hell. If you Fail to hit all the Bullet Points / Break Character, both you and your Teammate will have to Drink.
Card #15
- You + your Teammate have to give a 3x Minute Speech on how you intend to Positively Change the image of NAMBLA, ( North American Man / Boy Love Association ). List your Positive Experiences as a NAMBLA Member Without Breaking Character. Opponents can Boo you. Success = this Card + Likely Burning in Hell. Failure and you both Drink.
Card #16
- Player who Draws this Card, his Teammate + 1x Random Opponent
- The Player who Draws this Card can either give a Random Opponent a Wedgie + Make them take a Shot - OR - have their Teammate drink 3x Shots, get Wedgied by a Random Opponent + take a 4th Shot while being Wedgied. Spilling the Shot is a DQ. Success by your Partner = this Card.
Card #17
- All Play
Card #18
- The Player who Draws this Card can either get a 3x Minute Foot / Back rub from the Opponent of his Choice - OR - make his Teammate Drink 5x Shots in 1x Minute. Vomiting = a DQ. Only Completing the Shots can any Card be gained here. If the Opponent does not put any Heart into the Foot / Back rub the Clock stops and they have to Drink before they start again.
Card #19
- Now that's what I call a Sticky Situation. The Player who Draws this Card can either fill his Hand w/ Syrup and Slap 1x Random Opponent in the Face, Medium Style - OR - Have an Opponent use about 3/4 a Bottle of Syrup on your Teammate. No Eyes or Nose, Directly. If your Teammate Takes the Syrup Bath, you get this Card.
Card #20
Card #21
Card #22
Card #23
Card #24
- All Play
- Teams Draw Cards one at a time from a 52x Card Deck. A Face Card is a Whammy, 2x Whammies and your Team is Out. When your Team is up you guess High or Low. 1-5 is Low, 6-10 is High. Get it Right and Next Team is up. Get it Wrong and you Both take a Shot + Draw another Card. Whammies end turns too. Last Team left gets the Card, no Drinking Penalties here.
Card #25
- Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate
- Draw Cards from a 52x Card Deck with your Teammate and guess High or Low. Low is 1-5, High is 6-10. Face Cards are Whammies. 3x Whammies and your Team Losses. You + your Teammate need 5x Cards Right to get this Card. Guess Wrong and Both you + your Teammate take a Shot. No Drinking Penalties for Losing here.
Card #26
- Player who Draws this Card only
- You have 1 1/2x Minutes to eat an entire Lemon, Peel included. Success = this Card. Failure = You have to Drink.
Card #27
- Player who Draws this Card vs all Opponents
- The Player who Draws this Card must sit through a 3x Minute Intervention from his Opponents. Opposing Teams will Huddle up and Decide a Strategy / Intervention Topic. Player must Retain a Straight Face to get this Card. Opposing Team should also repeatedly yell "Intervention" at the Subject at some Point. All Losing Teams Drink.
Card #28
- Player who Draws this Card vs 1x Opponent of Each Opposing Team
- The Player who Draws this Card must sit with a Straight Face through 2x Rounds of 1 1/2x Minute Stories of How the Player on the Opposing Team met their Mother. Stories can Range from a Romantic Dinner to Crazy Monkey Sex. Opposing Teams must Choose their Captain and Flip a Coin to see who gets first Crack. If the Player who Drew this Card makes it, their Team gets the Card. If an Opponent can get the Player to Crack, their Team gets the Card. Any Losing Teams Drink.
Burn in Hell
- Player who Draws this Card only
- You are to Give a Rousing Speech to your Opponents + your Teammate. Do this in the Tone of Adolf Hitler. You must Hit upon the Points of the Master Race, Why you Should Hate Jews and the Reasons why Germany is the Best. Start Slow, Finish Strong, and do the Salute. Success = this Card + a Likely trip to Hell. You do not have to Drink if you Choose to have a Soul and Pass on this one. The Speech has to be at the very least Adequate, if you're doing it, don't Half Ass it.
Card #14
Burn in Hell
- Player who Draws this Card only
- Dumpster Baby. You must give an Impassioned 2x Minute Speech about the Positive Nature of Dumpster Babies. You must not Break Character, Laugh, Smile, etc. Bring up Examples, Statistics and why Dumpster Babies make America Great. Success = this Card and Likely Burn in Hell. If you Fail to hit all the Bullet Points / Break Character, both you and your Teammate will have to Drink.
Card #15
Burn in Hell
- Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate
- You + your Teammate have to give a 3x Minute Speech on how you intend to Positively Change the image of NAMBLA, ( North American Man / Boy Love Association ). List your Positive Experiences as a NAMBLA Member Without Breaking Character. Opponents can Boo you. Success = this Card + Likely Burning in Hell. Failure and you both Drink.
Card #16
Teammate Betrayal
- The Player who Draws this Card can either give a Random Opponent a Wedgie + Make them take a Shot - OR - have their Teammate drink 3x Shots, get Wedgied by a Random Opponent + take a 4th Shot while being Wedgied. Spilling the Shot is a DQ. Success by your Partner = this Card.
Card #17
Teammate Betrayal
- All Play
- Player who Draws this Card can either choose 1x Opponent and Slap them in the Face, Medium Style + Force them to take a Shot - OR - have your Teammate get Slapped in the Face 1x by each Opponent, Medium Style, and then takes a Shot. Your Teammate cannot React here, within reason, of course ( his Face is gonna move, he's being Slapped). Success = this Card.
Card #18
Teammate Betrayal
- Player who Draws this Card, his Teammate + a Random Opponent
- The Player who Draws this Card can either get a 3x Minute Foot / Back rub from the Opponent of his Choice - OR - make his Teammate Drink 5x Shots in 1x Minute. Vomiting = a DQ. Only Completing the Shots can any Card be gained here. If the Opponent does not put any Heart into the Foot / Back rub the Clock stops and they have to Drink before they start again.
Card #19
Teammate Betrayal
- Player who Draws this Card, his Teammate + a Random Opponent
- Now that's what I call a Sticky Situation. The Player who Draws this Card can either fill his Hand w/ Syrup and Slap 1x Random Opponent in the Face, Medium Style - OR - Have an Opponent use about 3/4 a Bottle of Syrup on your Teammate. No Eyes or Nose, Directly. If your Teammate Takes the Syrup Bath, you get this Card.
Card #20
Teammate Betrayal
- All Play
- By Whatever means Necessary the Player who Draws this Card must figure, with their Teammate, out if they, or their Teammate, will face the Firing Squad. The Player to Face the 4x Player Firing Squad will Stand at a wall with their Hands tied behind their Backs, and cannot move. The Firing Squad will move 12x Paces from the Player to be Fired upon, they then Toss a Tennis Ball, underhanded, as Hard as they Can. Survive and get the Card, no Flinching though or its a DQ. Losing Teams Drink.
Card #21
The Liver Buster
- All Play
- All 4x Opponents of the Player who Drew the Card Draw from a 40x Card Deck, All Face Cards are Removed. Opponents Draw 1x Card each. The Player who Draws this Card Picks an Opponent and either Drinks the amount of Shots on that Card or Forfeits. If Successful his Teammate must choose from the remaining 3x Opponents to replicate the task. Success = this Card, no Drinking Penalties here.
Card #22
The Liver Buster - Whammies
- Player that Draws this Card + their Teammate
- Player that Draws this Card + his Teammate must Draw Cards from a 52x Card Deck. If it is a Number Card that Person must either Drink Shots that = that Card or Pass and try again. Drawing a Face Card is a Whammy. If a Player gets Whammied they are out. 3x Drink Rounds from Cards Drawn gets this Card, no Drinking Penalties here.
Card #23
The Liver Buster - Whammies / Elimination
- All Play
- All Players take turns Drawing from a 52x Card Deck. If they Draw a Face Card, it's a Whammy and they're out. If you Draw a Number Card you can either Pass and go to the End of the Line, or Drink the Shots = to that Card and Advance to the Next Level. Last one left Standing gets the Card, no Drinking Penalties here.
Card #24
The Liver Buster - Whammies / High - Low
- Teams Draw Cards one at a time from a 52x Card Deck. A Face Card is a Whammy, 2x Whammies and your Team is Out. When your Team is up you guess High or Low. 1-5 is Low, 6-10 is High. Get it Right and Next Team is up. Get it Wrong and you Both take a Shot + Draw another Card. Whammies end turns too. Last Team left gets the Card, no Drinking Penalties here.
Card #25
The Liver Buster - Singles Whammies / High - Low
- Draw Cards from a 52x Card Deck with your Teammate and guess High or Low. Low is 1-5, High is 6-10. Face Cards are Whammies. 3x Whammies and your Team Losses. You + your Teammate need 5x Cards Right to get this Card. Guess Wrong and Both you + your Teammate take a Shot. No Drinking Penalties for Losing here.
Card #26
When Life Hands You Lemons
- Player who Draws this Card only
- You have 1 1/2x Minutes to eat an entire Lemon, Peel included. Success = this Card. Failure = You have to Drink.
Card #27
- Player who Draws this Card vs all Opponents
- The Player who Draws this Card must sit through a 3x Minute Intervention from his Opponents. Opposing Teams will Huddle up and Decide a Strategy / Intervention Topic. Player must Retain a Straight Face to get this Card. Opposing Team should also repeatedly yell "Intervention" at the Subject at some Point. All Losing Teams Drink.
Card #28
How I Met Your Mother
- The Player who Draws this Card must sit with a Straight Face through 2x Rounds of 1 1/2x Minute Stories of How the Player on the Opposing Team met their Mother. Stories can Range from a Romantic Dinner to Crazy Monkey Sex. Opposing Teams must Choose their Captain and Flip a Coin to see who gets first Crack. If the Player who Drew this Card makes it, their Team gets the Card. If an Opponent can get the Player to Crack, their Team gets the Card. Any Losing Teams Drink.
Card #29
Dealer's Choice
- All Play
- Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate Create their own Punishment to do here. If the Opposition does not think this is Good Enough they Flip a Coin to decide which Team does this Challenge instead. Whomever does the Challenge / Wins the Challenge gets the Card, a Loss at the Challenge = Drinking. The Team that Draws this Card should think of Something bad and has 4x Minutes to come up with a Proper Challenge.
Card #30
- Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate
- Either the Player who Draws this Card or his Teammate must take out the Largest Bill out of their Wallet and Tear it up. It must be at Least 5$ or More. Success gets this Card, Failure and Both take a Shot. You have 1x Minute, Starting now.
Card #31
For All Mankind
- Player who Draws this Card + 1x Random Opponent
- The Player who Draws this Card must Suffer a Finishing Move and a Pin Fall to a Random Opponent. His Opponent must Channel his inner Mick Foley and use his Sock as a "Socko". He must apply the Mandible Claw Finishing Move to the Player who Draws this Card ( Take off your Sock, Put in on your Hand, and Shove it in your Opponents Mouth until he Falls Asleep ). Success = this Card. Failure and you and your Teammate Drink. Failure here pretty much is not doing the Challenge. Someone Random can do the 3x Count for the Pin Fall Victory.
Card #32
Lie About This Card
- Player who Draws this Card
- Lie About this Card! Make up Whatever you Want and do it Quick. As long as you Convince the other Players, your Team then gets this Card. If you Fail you will be Shamed as a Cheater by your Opponents. You will not Lose a Card, but you will have to Drink while being Shamed.
Card #33
Bad Hair Day
- Player who Draws this Card + a Random Opponent
- Allow 1x Random Opponent to Cut your Hair for 30x Seconds. Success and you get this Card, Failure / Bitch out and both you and your Teammate Drink.
Card #34
Shot Auction
- All Play
- All Teams Write Down a Number of how Many Shots they and their Partner can Drink in 3x Minutes. Hand in the Sheets of Paper, Highest Number Wins. That Team will now have to Drink that Number of Shots in 3x Minutes to get this Card. No Drinking Penalties here.
Card #35
Dice Game
- All Play
- Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate are in the Dice Game. The 2x Opposing Teams Flip a Coin to Decide who is also in the Game, Losers here both Take Shots. Set up 6x Shots for the Dice Game and have Them Labeled 1-6. This is a Timed Game, you + your Partner Roll a 6x Sided Die and Attempt to Drink your 6x Shots as Fast as Possible. Your Opponents go Next and Try to Beat the Time. Winning Time gets the Card.
Card #36
Flip Cup - Shots
- All Play
- Set up 6x Empty Plastic Cups and 6x Shots. All 3x Teams Race to take all the Shots / Flip all the Cups. Winning Team gets this Card, Losing Teams finish their Shots.
Card #37
We, Are Going, To Hunt You, Cricket
- All Play
- The Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate are now Hunted. The other 2x Teams will be Blindfolded + count to 100x. The Hunted have the House + 50x Feet Max outside the House to Hide. The 2x Teams must Race to Catch + Drag their Victim back to the Game Area. Hunted Cannot Struggle, but can go Limp. First Team back to the Game Area with their Victim gets the Card. Victim takes 3x Shots, Losing Team Drinks.
Card #38
Instant Ramen
- All Play
- Everyone gets 1x Packet of Instant Ramen Noodles. First Person to Finish Noodles + Flavor Packet gets this Card. Losers Drink, you Cannot Drink anything during this Challenge.
Card #39
Hard Liquor Pong
- All Play
- Set up 15x Cups with Water in a Triangle + Pick an Opponent who will take a Shot if you Hit a Cup. That Means you could Drink up to 15x Shots Absolute Worst Case Scenario, so Forfeit at any time if you Must. Players take turns Tossing 1x Ball per Turn, same side of the Table. Hit a Shot, Remove the Cup and your Team gets 1x Point. Highest Score gets the Card, Final Cup OT in case of a Tie.
Card #40
Liquor Roulette
- Player who Draws this Card vs 1x Random Opponent
- The Player who Draws this Card is in the Roulette. The Opposing 2x Teams Flip a Coin to see who will also be in it. Losing Team there Drinks. A Captain from the Winning Team will also be in the Roulette. Both Players are Blindfolded and Choose Cups one at a time to Drink in 1x Gulp. 6x Cups, 5x are Water, 1x is Hard Liquor. Cups are Reloaded if down to 1x Cup. Drink Liquor and Lose, Winner get this Card.
Card #41
Liquor Roulette - Triple Threat
- A Captain from each Team in a Triple Threat
- Each Team Chooses a Captain, each Captain is Blindfolded. There are 7x Cups, 6x Cups are Water and 1x Cup is Hard Liquor. Players Draw Cups one at a Time and Finish in 1x Gulp. Cups are Reloaded if Down to 1x Cup or if Liquor Cup is Drank in the Triple Threat. When down to 2x Players you can use 6x Cups. Last one Standing gets the Cup.
Card #42
My 600 lb Life
- All Play
- All 3x Teams take 1x Bottle of Syrup each, First team to Finish their Bottle Wins. Winner gets this Card, Losing Teams Drinks.
Card #43
My 600 lb Life
- All Play
- All 3x Teams take 1x Bottle of Chocolate Syrup each, First team to Finish their Bottle Wins. Winner gets this Card, Losing Teams Drinks.
Card #44
My 600 lb Life
- A Captain from each Team in a Triple Threat
- Select a Captain for each Team and Hand them a Block of Cheese, First Person to Finish / Shallow Wins. Winner gets this Card for their Team, all Members of Teams who Lose Drink.
Card #45
My 600 lb Life
- A Captain from each Team in a Triple Threat
- Select a Captain for each Team and Hand them a Stick of Butter, First Person to Finish / Shallow Wins. Winner gets this Card for their Team, all Members of Teams who Lose Drink.
Card #46
Public Humiliation
- Monkey See ......, you must Eat an Entire Banana, Peel included. Until the entire Banana is Consumed you must Speak and Act like a Monkey. Success = This Card. If you Choose to Bitch out your Teammate takes 2x Shots, but you're good.
Card #47
Public Humiliation
- Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate
- Clown Baby. You are now a Baby, for the Next 10x Minutes you must Finish a Baby Bottle of Beer that your Teammate will Fix for you. Babies cannot Speak, Stand, and you must Strip to your Boxers. Once done with your Bottle and 10x Minutes are up your Teammate must Burp you and put you down for a 5x Minute Nap. Success = this Card. Failure to be a Baby, Finish the Bottle or any Teammate Failures and you both Drink.
Card #48
Public Humiliation
- Person who Draws this Card only
- Obedience Training. You are now a Dog, for the next 15x Minutes. Dogs are not Allowed to sit on the Furniture or Stand on 2x Feet. Dogs may not Speak, only Bark. Dogs can only Drink from a Bowl. Players are encouraged to Bop you on the Nose with a Rolled up Paper if you are Bad. Success = this Card. Failure to Keep Character and you and your Teammate Drink.
Card #49
Public Humiliation
- Person who Draws this Card only
- Simple Jack. You are now Retarded, not halfway, Full on Retarded. You will have to Sell this Act for the next 15x Minutes, without Breaking Character, to get this Card. People can Mock and Berate you Mercilessly in an Attempt to get you to Crack. Failure and both you and your Teammate Drink.
Card #50
Public Humiliation
- The Person who Draws this Card + his Teammate
- Weekend at Bernie's. Your Teammate is now Dead. Put some Sun Glasses on him and Play Weekend at Bernie's with his Body for the next 15x Minutes. Just like the Movies, no one will Really notice the Obvious Dead guy, but you will still have to Sell it in order to get this Card. You must make your Teammate do almost every Challenge Possible in the next 15x Minutes in order to get this Card. Failure and you both Drink.
Card #51
Public Humiliation
- Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate
- The Player who Draws this Card must rub their Stomach and Pat their Head while Singing the Bingo Song. Switch Hands and rotate Direction for each New Verse. Teammate will handle Clapping. Any Screw up by you or your Teammate = Drinking. Flawless Performance = this Card. And Bingo was his Name - O.
Card #52
Public Humiliation
- Player who Draws this Card + a Random Opponent
- Allow a Member of the Opposing Team to use an entire Bottle of Whipped Cream on you without Reacting. Failure to Keep a Straight Face and you and your Teammate Drink. Empty Can gets you this Card. No Spraying in the Eyes or Nose.
Card #53
Public Humiliation
- All Play
- The Rocky. You and your Teammate must Eat 2x Raw Eggs each Without Gagging or Vomiting, this while the Opposing Team makes Puking Sounds. Success = this Card, Failure and you Both Drink. Take a 30x Second Pause between each Egg Consumed.
Card #54
Public Humiliation
- All Play
- The Mike Tyson. The Person who Draws this Card + his Teammate must let the Opposing Teams Draw on their Face w/ Magic Marker for 2x Minutes. If Successful the Team gets the Card. Both Players can Bitch out by taking 2x Shots each. Can only Wash off after the Game Ends.
Card #55
Public Humiliation
- Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate
- Bird Law. The Opposing Teams will get to Choose a Food that is Accessible. The Player who Draws this Card must Figure out, with his Teammate, their Roles. One Person will feed the other like they were a Baby Bird. Food must be Swallowed to get the Card. Each Player can take 1x Shot to Skip this Awful Card. Vomiting = DQ.
Card #56
Card #56
Public Humiliation
- The Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate
- Kama Sutra. Give a Mock Demonstration of 5x Complex Sex Positions with your Teammate. You must Identify each Position as you do them. These Positions, of course, can be made up. You have 1 1/2x Minutes. Victory = gaining this Card, Failure and you both Drink. Opponents are Free to Distract and Berate.
Card #57
Public Humiliation
- Player who Draws this Card only
- Graphically Mime Sucking a Dick for 1x Minute. If you cannot Keep a Relatively Straight Face or if the Performance is Lackluster you do not get the Card. Failure and both you and your Teammate Drink. Don't forget to Cup the Balls.
Card #58
- All Play
- The Player who Draws this Card is Blindfolded and Spins around 20x. 1x Minute is Started and the Player must find the 1/2 Cup of Beer in a Plastic Cup and Chug it. His Teammate can Shout Directions while his Opponents can Distract + are the ones who Hide the Cup. Put the Cup in a Realistic Spot. Success = this Card. Failure and you and your Teammate Drink.
Card #59
- All Play
- Teams must Swap Phones with Opposing Teams for 3x Rounds of Play. You will Write out one Text to any Contact Without Sending the Message ( Not Work Related ). Phones are then Switched back, the Player must either Send the Message or take a Shot. Team that Sends the Most Messages Wins the Card. You cannot Respond to any Texts until the End of the Game. Losing Teams Drink and Ties are settled with a Coin Flip.
Card #60
- Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate
- Edward 40 Hands. The Player who Draws this Card must have 2x 40 Drinks Duct Taped to their Hands. Once Drinks are Finished the Duct Tape is Removed and the Card is gained. Teammate can Help Drinking the 40's. Spilling a lot = a DQ, like a little is fine if it's by Accident. Try not to have to use the Bathroom, your Teammate can help you there too if you Really want this Card.
Card #61
- 1x Player from each Team in a Triple Threat
- Go Outside and Pick a Start and Finish line in view of at Least 1x Passing Stranger. 1x Member from each Team will then Participate in a "Crab Walk" Race. Pretty Simple, but it does look Ridiculous. Winning Team gets the Card, Losing Teams Drink.
Card #62
- Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate
- The Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate have 30x Minutes to go outside and go to a Random House and ask for / bring back a Roll of Toilet Paper. If the Team Fails they take a Shot each, Success = This Card + a Roll of Toilet Paper.
Card #63
- Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate
- Rules of Engagement. The Player who Draws this Card must take a Ring and go outside with your Teammate, Opponents should follow. You are to find at Least 1x Passing Stranger, get down on one Knee, and Propose to your Teammate. This, of Course, is Non Binding, but you and your Teammate must Sell it + your Teammate must say Yes. Do this, and get the Card. No Drink Penalty here.
Card #64
- All Play
- All Players take 1x empty Plastic Cup with them and go to the Beach ( if you are not near the Beach, Substitute this Card with any Gross Liquid available, Within Reason ). Whoever can Drink the Ocean Water, without Vomiting, is eligible to get this Card. 1st Cup is not a Race. If there are Players still left for the 2nd Cup, then it is a Race. Cups should not be filled near the Top. Losers do not Drink, but if you Pussy out, you Drink.
Card #65
- Player who Draws this Car + their Teammate
- The Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate have 5x Minutes to go outside and find a Stranger to come over to the Game Area. That Person has to be of the Opposite Sex and has to be under the Impression that they are going to a Hurricane Shelter to Repopulate the Human Race if asked by Opponents. Get Creative. Success = this Card, Failure = Drinking for both Players here.
Card #66
- The Player who Draws this Card + 1x of their Opponents
- Meet the Neighbors. The Player who Draws this Card must Introduce themselves as a Sex Offender to a Resident within a 2x Block Radius. They are not Required to use a Real Name or Address. 1x Opponent must go Along, with a Clipboard, and Pretend to be a Social Worker. You must get a Signature on your 1st try to get this Card. Failure and you + your Teammate Drink.
Card #67
- Player who Draws this Card + 1x Random Opponent.
- Giving Back to Society. Go outside and make a Sign that Reads "Free Hugs". 1x Opponent will go outside with you to make sure. You have 4x Minutes to acquire 1x Hug from a Stranger to get this Card. Failure and both you + your Teammate Drink.
Card #68
- All Play
- Conjoined Twin Beer Pong. Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate are Duct Taped Arms and Legs together and Face all 4x Opponents in Beer Pong. Twins Shoot at 3x Cup Triangle while Opponents at a 10x Cup Pyramid. Bouncing + Defense is Allowed. If Twins Fall over it's a DQ. Only Twins can wins this Card. OT is 1x Cup.
Card #69
- Player who Draws this Card + 1x Random Opponent
- Society Gives back to you. Go Outside and get 1x Stranger to tie 1x of your Shoes for you. 1x Opponent will go Outside with you to make sure. You have 4x Minutes to do this in order to get this Card. Failure and you + your Teammate Drink.
Card #70
- Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate
- Player who Draws this Card must Give his Teammate a Piggy Back for 8x Minutes. Opponents cannot Interfere. Success = this Card, Failure and you Both Drink.
Card #71
- All Play
- The Psychopath Sprint. Go outside and make a Start and a Finish Line. Choose a Captain for each Team and have them put their Arms Inside their Shirt and Tie the Shirt Arms together, also Tie the Shoelaces together. First one to the Finish Line gets the Card and all Losing Teams Drink. Teammates must Pick up their Teammate when / if they fall and re-tie Shoelaces if they Break / Become untied.
Card #72
- All Play
- The Caterpillar Race. Choose 1x Captain for each Team and Tie their Legs Together + their Hands Together behind their Back. Players must Crawl, on their Belly, from the Start to the Finish Line. Winner gets this Card, all Losing Teams Drink
Card #73
- Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate
- One Player has to be Carried from one side of the Room to the other by his Teammate ( Like he's being Carried over the Threshold ), this will be done for 2x Laps. The 4x Opponents will attempt to impede their Progress by throwing Cups, Empty Beer Cans, Pillows, etc, ( Anything Within Reason ). Success = this Card, Dropping your Teammate = DQ + both Drink.
Card #74
- Player who Draws this Card vs all 4x Opponents
- Way of the Ninja. Player who Draws this Card puts on a Blindfold and has all 4x Opponents Surround him on all Corners about 5x Paces back. Silence here. Opponents must all Smack the Ninja in the Head 3x each. Ninjas can spin, but must remain in one place. Opponents must Retreat back to their Starting Point before Delivering another Strike. If the Ninja Blocks any Strike he gets this Card. All Losers Drink, only the Ninja can get this Card.
Card #75
- All Play
- The Obstacle Course. Player that Draws this Card has to put on a Blindfold and Stand in the Far Corner of the Room. His 4x Opponents have up to 5x Minutes to Set up an Obstacle Course. The Player with the Blindfold now has 1x Minute to Reach the Opposite end of the Room. His Teammate can Verbally Help + his Opponents can Verbally Distract. Success for the Blind = this Card, all Losing Teams take Shots. Only the Blind can get this Card.
Cards 76-77
- Put Down this Card and have your Teammate Draw a Body Card.
Cards 78-79
- Put Down this Card and have your Teammate Draw a Mind Card.
Card #80
- Player who Draws this Card
- The Player who Draws this Card Losses all but 2x of their Body Cards + goes back to Level 2.
Card #81
- Player who Draws this Cards Opponents
- Your Opponents will take out the Dialect Cards, Review them, and Choose a Dialect for you and your Teammate. They then Re-Shuffle them and Place them back in the Box. You + your Teammate keep up that Dialect for the Next 2x Turns. Your Turn is now Over, no Card can be gained here.
Card #82
- Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate
- Either Lose 1x of your Best Cards - OR - you and your Teammate have to do 6x Shots Combined in 1x Minute. No Card can be gained here. If you attempt the Shots and come up Short / Vomit, you still lose 1x of your Best Cards.
Card #83
- The Player who Draws this Card only
- The Player who Draws this Card Cannot use the Bathroom for the next 30x Minutes. No Card can be gained here. Punishment for going is Losing 1x the Teams Best Card.
Card #84
- Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate
- Player who Draws this Card has 3x Choices. 1. Sing I'm a Little Teapot w/ Movements. 2. Take 3x Shots. - OR - 3. Take 2x Shots and their Teammate Takes 2x Shots. No Card can be gained here. Audience can demand an Encore if #1 is Chosen.
Card #85
- Player who Draws this Car + his Teammate
- Massage Envy. This Card grants you a 2x Minute Back Rub from your Teammate. If he refuses he takes 3x Shots. No Card can be gained here.
Card #86
- Player who Draws this Card + Random Opponent
- The Player who Picks this Card must Select one of his 4x Opponents. He must then finish their Drink and Swap Clothes with them ( No Boxers ). No Card can be gained here.
Card #87
- Player who Draws this Card only
- Fuck your Dentist. Go into the Bathroom and Brush your Teeth with Syrup instead of Toothpaste. You can Bitch out, but then you and your Teammate must finish off a Combined 4x Shots. Brushing must last at Least 30x Seconds. Don't Forget to get Behind your Teeth. No Card can be gained here.
Card #88
- All Play
- The Great Recession. Everyone Writes down the Name of a Player who is not Pulling their Weight for their Team, any Team. The Player who gets the most Votes is Fired. Fired Players take a Shot. A Tie = Multiple Firings. No Card can be gained here.
Card #89
- Player that Draws this Card + their Teammate
- The 3 Legged Race. Duct Tape your Leg to your Teammate's Leg for the next 15x Minutes. No Card can be Gained here.
Card #90
- Player that Draws this Card + their Teammate
- I Got your Back. Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate Stand Back to Back. The 4x Opponents then Apply Duct Tape across their Mid Sections to Join them Together. Stay like this for the Next 1x Turn. No Card can be Gained here.
Card #91
Card #93
Card #94
Card #95
- Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate
- Flip a Coin. Heads and you and your Teammate take a Combined 5x Shots. Tails and you get this Card.
Card #96
- Player who Draws this Card
- Flip a Coin. Heads and you Lose your Best Card. Tails and you get this Card.
Card #97
Card #98
- Player who Draws this Card, his Teammate + 1x Random Opponent
- Roll a 6x Sided Die. A 1x and a Random Opponent gets to Slap you in the Face, Medium Style. A 2x or 3x, you take a Shot. A 4x or 5x, your Teammate takes a Shot. A 6x and you get this Card.
Card #99
- Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate
- Roll a 6x Sided Die. If you Roll a 1x, Boil a Pot of Spaghetti and Keep it in your Pockets until the End of the Game. Roll a 2x or 3x and take a Shot. A 4x or 5x and your Teammate takes a Shot. A 6x and you get this Card.
Card #100
- Graphically Mime Sucking a Dick for 1x Minute. If you cannot Keep a Relatively Straight Face or if the Performance is Lackluster you do not get the Card. Failure and both you and your Teammate Drink. Don't forget to Cup the Balls.
Card #58
Public Humiliation
- All Play
- The Player who Draws this Card is Blindfolded and Spins around 20x. 1x Minute is Started and the Player must find the 1/2 Cup of Beer in a Plastic Cup and Chug it. His Teammate can Shout Directions while his Opponents can Distract + are the ones who Hide the Cup. Put the Cup in a Realistic Spot. Success = this Card. Failure and you and your Teammate Drink.
Card #59
Public Humiliation
- All Play
- Teams must Swap Phones with Opposing Teams for 3x Rounds of Play. You will Write out one Text to any Contact Without Sending the Message ( Not Work Related ). Phones are then Switched back, the Player must either Send the Message or take a Shot. Team that Sends the Most Messages Wins the Card. You cannot Respond to any Texts until the End of the Game. Losing Teams Drink and Ties are settled with a Coin Flip.
Card #60
Public Humiliation
- Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate
- Edward 40 Hands. The Player who Draws this Card must have 2x 40 Drinks Duct Taped to their Hands. Once Drinks are Finished the Duct Tape is Removed and the Card is gained. Teammate can Help Drinking the 40's. Spilling a lot = a DQ, like a little is fine if it's by Accident. Try not to have to use the Bathroom, your Teammate can help you there too if you Really want this Card.
Card #61
Public Humiliation
- 1x Player from each Team in a Triple Threat
- Go Outside and Pick a Start and Finish line in view of at Least 1x Passing Stranger. 1x Member from each Team will then Participate in a "Crab Walk" Race. Pretty Simple, but it does look Ridiculous. Winning Team gets the Card, Losing Teams Drink.
Card #62
Public Humiliation
- Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate
- The Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate have 30x Minutes to go outside and go to a Random House and ask for / bring back a Roll of Toilet Paper. If the Team Fails they take a Shot each, Success = This Card + a Roll of Toilet Paper.
Card #63
Public Humiliation
- Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate
- Rules of Engagement. The Player who Draws this Card must take a Ring and go outside with your Teammate, Opponents should follow. You are to find at Least 1x Passing Stranger, get down on one Knee, and Propose to your Teammate. This, of Course, is Non Binding, but you and your Teammate must Sell it + your Teammate must say Yes. Do this, and get the Card. No Drink Penalty here.
Card #64
Public Humiliation
- All Play
- All Players take 1x empty Plastic Cup with them and go to the Beach ( if you are not near the Beach, Substitute this Card with any Gross Liquid available, Within Reason ). Whoever can Drink the Ocean Water, without Vomiting, is eligible to get this Card. 1st Cup is not a Race. If there are Players still left for the 2nd Cup, then it is a Race. Cups should not be filled near the Top. Losers do not Drink, but if you Pussy out, you Drink.
Card #65
Public Humiliation
- Player who Draws this Car + their Teammate
- The Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate have 5x Minutes to go outside and find a Stranger to come over to the Game Area. That Person has to be of the Opposite Sex and has to be under the Impression that they are going to a Hurricane Shelter to Repopulate the Human Race if asked by Opponents. Get Creative. Success = this Card, Failure = Drinking for both Players here.
Card #66
Public Humiliation
- The Player who Draws this Card + 1x of their Opponents
- Meet the Neighbors. The Player who Draws this Card must Introduce themselves as a Sex Offender to a Resident within a 2x Block Radius. They are not Required to use a Real Name or Address. 1x Opponent must go Along, with a Clipboard, and Pretend to be a Social Worker. You must get a Signature on your 1st try to get this Card. Failure and you + your Teammate Drink.
Card #67
Public Humiliation
- Player who Draws this Card + 1x Random Opponent.
- Giving Back to Society. Go outside and make a Sign that Reads "Free Hugs". 1x Opponent will go outside with you to make sure. You have 4x Minutes to acquire 1x Hug from a Stranger to get this Card. Failure and both you + your Teammate Drink.
Card #68
Public Humiliation
- All Play
- Conjoined Twin Beer Pong. Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate are Duct Taped Arms and Legs together and Face all 4x Opponents in Beer Pong. Twins Shoot at 3x Cup Triangle while Opponents at a 10x Cup Pyramid. Bouncing + Defense is Allowed. If Twins Fall over it's a DQ. Only Twins can wins this Card. OT is 1x Cup.
Card #69
Public Humiliation
- Player who Draws this Card + 1x Random Opponent
- Society Gives back to you. Go Outside and get 1x Stranger to tie 1x of your Shoes for you. 1x Opponent will go Outside with you to make sure. You have 4x Minutes to do this in order to get this Card. Failure and you + your Teammate Drink.
Card #70
Public Humiliation
- Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate
- Player who Draws this Card must Give his Teammate a Piggy Back for 8x Minutes. Opponents cannot Interfere. Success = this Card, Failure and you Both Drink.
Card #71
Public Humiliation
- All Play
- The Psychopath Sprint. Go outside and make a Start and a Finish Line. Choose a Captain for each Team and have them put their Arms Inside their Shirt and Tie the Shirt Arms together, also Tie the Shoelaces together. First one to the Finish Line gets the Card and all Losing Teams Drink. Teammates must Pick up their Teammate when / if they fall and re-tie Shoelaces if they Break / Become untied.
Card #72
Public Humiliation
- All Play
- The Caterpillar Race. Choose 1x Captain for each Team and Tie their Legs Together + their Hands Together behind their Back. Players must Crawl, on their Belly, from the Start to the Finish Line. Winner gets this Card, all Losing Teams Drink
Card #73
Public Berratement
- Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate
- One Player has to be Carried from one side of the Room to the other by his Teammate ( Like he's being Carried over the Threshold ), this will be done for 2x Laps. The 4x Opponents will attempt to impede their Progress by throwing Cups, Empty Beer Cans, Pillows, etc, ( Anything Within Reason ). Success = this Card, Dropping your Teammate = DQ + both Drink.
Card #74
Public Berratement
- Player who Draws this Card vs all 4x Opponents
- Way of the Ninja. Player who Draws this Card puts on a Blindfold and has all 4x Opponents Surround him on all Corners about 5x Paces back. Silence here. Opponents must all Smack the Ninja in the Head 3x each. Ninjas can spin, but must remain in one place. Opponents must Retreat back to their Starting Point before Delivering another Strike. If the Ninja Blocks any Strike he gets this Card. All Losers Drink, only the Ninja can get this Card.
Card #75
Public Berratement
- All Play
- The Obstacle Course. Player that Draws this Card has to put on a Blindfold and Stand in the Far Corner of the Room. His 4x Opponents have up to 5x Minutes to Set up an Obstacle Course. The Player with the Blindfold now has 1x Minute to Reach the Opposite end of the Room. His Teammate can Verbally Help + his Opponents can Verbally Distract. Success for the Blind = this Card, all Losing Teams take Shots. Only the Blind can get this Card.
Cards 76-77
- Player who Draws this Card's Teammate
- Put Down this Card and have your Teammate Draw a Body Card.
Cards 78-79
- Player who Draws this Card's Teammate
- Put Down this Card and have your Teammate Draw a Mind Card.
Card #80
- Player who Draws this Card
- The Player who Draws this Card Losses all but 2x of their Body Cards + goes back to Level 2.
Card #81
- Player who Draws this Cards Opponents
- Your Opponents will take out the Dialect Cards, Review them, and Choose a Dialect for you and your Teammate. They then Re-Shuffle them and Place them back in the Box. You + your Teammate keep up that Dialect for the Next 2x Turns. Your Turn is now Over, no Card can be gained here.
Card #82
- Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate
- Either Lose 1x of your Best Cards - OR - you and your Teammate have to do 6x Shots Combined in 1x Minute. No Card can be gained here. If you attempt the Shots and come up Short / Vomit, you still lose 1x of your Best Cards.
Card #83
- The Player who Draws this Card only
- The Player who Draws this Card Cannot use the Bathroom for the next 30x Minutes. No Card can be gained here. Punishment for going is Losing 1x the Teams Best Card.
Card #84
- Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate
- Player who Draws this Card has 3x Choices. 1. Sing I'm a Little Teapot w/ Movements. 2. Take 3x Shots. - OR - 3. Take 2x Shots and their Teammate Takes 2x Shots. No Card can be gained here. Audience can demand an Encore if #1 is Chosen.
Card #85
- Player who Draws this Car + his Teammate
- Massage Envy. This Card grants you a 2x Minute Back Rub from your Teammate. If he refuses he takes 3x Shots. No Card can be gained here.
Card #86
- Player who Draws this Card + Random Opponent
- The Player who Picks this Card must Select one of his 4x Opponents. He must then finish their Drink and Swap Clothes with them ( No Boxers ). No Card can be gained here.
Card #87
- Player who Draws this Card only
- Fuck your Dentist. Go into the Bathroom and Brush your Teeth with Syrup instead of Toothpaste. You can Bitch out, but then you and your Teammate must finish off a Combined 4x Shots. Brushing must last at Least 30x Seconds. Don't Forget to get Behind your Teeth. No Card can be gained here.
Card #88
- All Play
- The Great Recession. Everyone Writes down the Name of a Player who is not Pulling their Weight for their Team, any Team. The Player who gets the most Votes is Fired. Fired Players take a Shot. A Tie = Multiple Firings. No Card can be gained here.
Card #89
- Player that Draws this Card + their Teammate
- The 3 Legged Race. Duct Tape your Leg to your Teammate's Leg for the next 15x Minutes. No Card can be Gained here.
Card #90
- Player that Draws this Card + their Teammate
- I Got your Back. Player who Draws this Card + his Teammate Stand Back to Back. The 4x Opponents then Apply Duct Tape across their Mid Sections to Join them Together. Stay like this for the Next 1x Turn. No Card can be Gained here.
Card #91
- All Play
- Spin the Shot Glass. Sit in a Circle and Spin the Shot Glass. Person it Lands on has to take a Shot. Do this 3x. No Card can be gained here.
Card #92
- Player who Draws this Card + his 4x Opponents
- The Grudge. The Player who Draws this Card Pours out 4x Shots and Decides who Drinks them. You can Spread it out 1x Shot each, make 1x Person Drink all 4x Shots, etc. No Card can be gained here.
Card #93
- All Play
- A Toast. Everyone Takes 1x Shot. No Card can be Gained here.
Card #94
- All Play
- For the Next 2x Rounds of Play all Drinking Penalties are with Hard Liquor. Put Down the Wine / Beer. No Card can be gained here.
Card #95
- Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate
- Flip a Coin. Heads and you and your Teammate take a Combined 5x Shots. Tails and you get this Card.
Card #96
- Player who Draws this Card
- Flip a Coin. Heads and you Lose your Best Card. Tails and you get this Card.
Card #97
- All Play
- Player who Draws this Card must Decide 1x Shot, 2x Shots or 3x Shots. Each Player Must then Pick a Number from 1-6. Each Person must have their own Number. Roll a 6x Sided Die, the Person who's Number is Hit must now Drink the Shots. No Card can be Gained here.
Card #98
- Player who Draws this Card, his Teammate + 1x Random Opponent
- Roll a 6x Sided Die. A 1x and a Random Opponent gets to Slap you in the Face, Medium Style. A 2x or 3x, you take a Shot. A 4x or 5x, your Teammate takes a Shot. A 6x and you get this Card.
Card #99
- Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate
- Roll a 6x Sided Die. If you Roll a 1x, Boil a Pot of Spaghetti and Keep it in your Pockets until the End of the Game. Roll a 2x or 3x and take a Shot. A 4x or 5x and your Teammate takes a Shot. A 6x and you get this Card.
Card #100
- Player who Draws this Card + their Teammate
- Roll a 6x Sided Die. If you Roll a 1x, you Lose your Best Card. Roll a 2x - 5x, Both you and your Teammate take a Shot. A 6x and you get this Card.